Re: [SQU] More on WCCP and truncated GRE packets. --HELP

From: Lincoln Dale <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 14:35:32 -0800

At 04:04 PM 14/12/2000 -0600, Nathan Lewis wrote:
>Doesn't the T designate an early-release (aka beta?)


>>fragmentation will happen on after the packet has been encapsulated into
>>the GRE packet itself. ie. the GRE packet will be fragmented.
>Fragmented yes, but not truncated.

i can't comment on the tcpdump traces Henrik included; if they're generated
from tcpdump running on the same host as the ip_wccp module then we don't
know for sure if the information is correct. (and only partial traces are

with only anecdotal inforrmation posted, which may have been collected from
a tainted collection point, i can't comment on the validity or otherwise.

>Fragmented or not, the GRE packet should be 1500 bytes, no? It wouldn't
>surprise me if the underlying packet ended up truncated - but even if I
>disable ip_wccp, and only let the raw GRE packets come through, tcpdump
>still complains that they are truncated.

tainted collection point.

this whole thread is becoming too long-winded to be relevant for
squid-users ... i'm signing off.



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Received on Thu Dec 14 2000 - 17:50:18 MST

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