Re: [SQU] Authenticate problem:

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 11:10:50 +0100

Henk-Jan Kloosterman wrote:

> The browser somehow, authenticates automatilcaaly a lot of times!
> In my radius log file I see sometimes about 20 requests in 3 seconds! The
> users do not have the "save password" option on.

The browser always authenticates, but Squid tries to cache this to not
overload the backend database.

Is the radius authentication sucessful, or is it repeated failures?

What is your settings of


What do you see in access.log when it happens?

Henrik Nordstrom
Squid hacker
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Received on Fri Dec 22 2000 - 03:44:53 MST

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