Re: [SQU] How deny FTP ??

From: Cord Beermann <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 10:05:15 +0100

Hallo! Du (Sinisa Malesevic) hast geschrieben:

>acl denyftp proto FTP
>http_access deny denyftp
>and noone gets denied.
>If anyone (from my network) clicks on any download link (on browser- internet), file will be downloaded.
>What is wrong???????

you may have more that this http_access-rule. make sure that your
users first have to run through the deny, and THEN through the
allow-rules such as 'http_access allow all'


Cord Beermann (Privat)
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Received on Tue Dec 26 2000 - 02:07:43 MST

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