At 14:40 05/02/01 +0100, Fabian Kr�mer wrote:
>I've installed Squid 2.3 Stable 2.
>The problem I have is that squid doesn't download updated html-sites. We
>have posted modifications to a site hosted by a provider. If we want
>access this site by squid we can only see the old site (without the
>It seems that squid looks for site changes only every 72 hours like set in
>"refresh_pattern 0 20% 4320".
>Squid doesn't notice that the sites were modified.
Many browsers cache webpages independently of the Squid cache itself. The
worst culprit for this is IE, which often caches pages despite setting it's
cache size to 0, forcing (in theory) a per-instance check and saying never
ever /ever/ EVER cache anything, /EVER/. :)
It might be worth checking this out before blaming Squid. Check it, /then/
blame Squid :)
Martin A. Brooks
If Windows NT were an animal, it'd be a fainting goat.
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