1- I dont have any idea about this error. I see for the first time.
2- use urlpath_regex like this:
acl blabla urlpath_regex \.exe$
http_access deny blabla
http_access deny badURL
Best regards,
Ilker G.
-----�zg�n �leti-----
Kimden: Arun Shrimali [mailto:arun@banas.guj.nic.in]
Tarih: Thursday, February 08, 2001 11:05 AM
Kime: squid-users@ircache.net
Konu: [SQU] Terminated Abnormally
Dear Friends,
I have two small problems if some body can help me,
1) My Squiid 2.3 Stable 1 was running fine with Linux RH6.2 but one of my
peer had hard booted the system mistakenly, thus when I again tried to start
the squid it gives following error:
Starting squid : init_cache_dis ufs...... Squid.
[root@linbanas /root]#FATAL:store UfsDirParse:invalid size value
Squid Cache (version 2.3.STABLE 1) : Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage : 0.020 Sec = 0.010 user + 0.010 sys
Maximum Resident Size : 0 KB
Page Faults with physical i/o : 173
Can any body help me to understant the error and how to come out of that.
2) In the squid FAQ example 7-10
acl badURL url_regex -i sex.*\.avi$
http_access deny badUrl
http_access allow myNet
http_access deny all
This would deny downloads of avi files from the sites that contain the word
sex in the URL.
What would be the acl if i want to deny download .exe files from all the
thanks in anticipation
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