Re: [SQU] ftp-proxy query!

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 11:16:26 +0100

Squid does not. Squid is a HTTP proxy.

Yes, Squid can proxy FTP requests for HTTP clients configured to use it
as a proxy, but this does not make it a FTP proxy. Yes, this is
confusing, but true.

Henrik Nordstrom
Squid hacker
Saugata Das Purkayastha mt cse wrote:
> Hi,
>   This is a general ftp proxy question. But, I want to know how squid does
> it. After the data connection is established between the client and
> ftp-proxy, I want to know when proxy makes the data connection with the
> web server. Is it that, the proxy reads the client request first, i.e,
> "get" or "put", and after verifying the request, it makes the data
> connection with web server or is it that, it establishes the data
> connection with the web server, first and later closes it, depending on
> the request, the client has sent.
> If someone can send me the pseudocode of squid ftp proxy, or a good
> documentation links, describing how squid ftp proxy woks, it will really
> nice.
> bye
> saugata
> --
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