Re: [SQU] Transparent Concept

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 00:18:08 +0100

The full explanation depends on the context, but I am assuming the
context here is HTTP proxy/caches with transparent hijacking of port 80?

If so then the difference is (if there is any) that the cache includes a
cache, while the proxy only proxies without caching.

Note: The term transparent is overloaded, having different meanings
depending on whom you ask. To some it means a setup which hijacks port
80 traffic where the client tried to go to other servers, to some it
means a semantically transparent proxy which does not change the meaning
or content of requests/replies.

There is no such thing as a truly transparent proxy, only
semi-transparent. And certainly not such a thing as a trulu transparent

Henrik Nordstrom
Squid hacker
Awie wrote:
> Folks,
> I read an article that explain me about the difference of Transparent
> Proxy and Transparent Cache. It seems that Transparent cache is MORE
> Transparent to user and Internet. Additional advantage of Transparent
> cache; users still able to access Internet/Intranet although it goes
> down.
> My questions are;
> I assume that Transparent Cache mean WCCP, am I right? If positive,
> What is the different WCCP method from Transparent Proxy?
> Your answer is very appreciated.
> Thx
> Best Regards,
> Awie
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