[SQU] Looks like a newbie problem:

From: Henk-Jan Kloosterman <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 13:42:40 +0100

I configured my (2.5 +ssl) squid as follows:

# And finally deny all other access to this proxy
acl net src
acl secureid proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access allow net
http_access allow secureid
http_access deny all

What I want is: all "net" users ar efree to use the proxy (and
((Yes I just the DEFINES = -DAUTH_ON_ACCELERATION)) option.:)))
All other users (secureid) must by authenticated.

I am sure I miss something or doing something wrong.
The users get authenticated: But then. the requested page does not contain
any data!!!

If I make it a complete http_access allow all.. It works allright!

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Received on Wed Feb 14 2001 - 05:49:48 MST

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