7.4. How can I proxy/cache Real Audio?
by Rodney van den Oever <>, and James R
Grinter <>
o Point the RealPlayer at your Squid server's HTTP port (e.g. 3128).
o Using the Preferences->Transport tab, select Use specified
transports and with the Specified Transports button, select use
HTTP Only.
The RealPlayer (and RealPlayer Plus) manual states:
Best regards,
Ilker G.
> -----�zg�n �leti-----
> Kimden: Binaya []
> Tarih: Friday, February 16, 2001 11:43 AM
> Kime:
> Konu: [SQU] Real Player Problems
> Dear all
> I am a newbie to this list & we have configuration such that
> everything that goes out to the world is only via the proxy
> server running
> squid 2.3
> But the problem is, when I try to use realplayer from the
> workstation,
> it doesn't let me, simply says "network problem" ( Bugg Gate's error )
> Also, one cannot make calls thru msn messanger.
> Suggestions are warmly welcomed.
> Rgds
> Binaya
> --
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