Re: [SQU] Exceeding the cache limits

From: Joel Jaeggli <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 08:49:03 -0800 (PST)

the limit is calculted by taking the average object size value in the
config file and multiply it by the number of objects... so if you crank up
the average object size to some larger value it may more closely represent
the actual average object size in your cache.


On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Kareem Mahgoub wrote:

> Hi all
> >From my basic knowledge I know that the cache directory is not supposed to
> exceed the limits put in the squid.config file, yet I had a hard disk with
> 8.3 G and my cache directory was set to be 6 G and suddenly it keeps growing
> exceeding the limit.
> Any one had a clue?
> Regards,
> Kareem Mahgoub
> --
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Joel Jaeggli	
Academic User Services
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Received on Mon Feb 19 2001 - 09:54:11 MST

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