Re: [squid-users] sqmgrlog ASCII reports? again.

From: Dr. Michael Weller <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 14:08:48 +0200 (MESZ)

On Wed, 4 Jul 2001, Meier, Carsten wrote:

> Hello,
> can anyone tell me where I can download sqmgrlog?

I found a working link:

Still it should be on the squid home page...

Oh... paging a bit around, it now seems to be named

Sarg (Squid Analysis Report Generator). Example reports on the web
look fairly identical. There is a Sarg link on the squid home pages.

BTW, on downloading I see it doesn't support ASCII reports per se.
only email reports. Now, specifying an tiny script as email agent would
allow you to get hold of the ascii report though.

Also, there is an option not to remove intermediate files. I'd be pretty
sure an almost ascii report would be among these.

Go figure,

BTW, IC you are german. Rest assured a 'Betriebsrat' or other employee
organization will be highly alarmed about the level of info this tool
generates (well, its just from the logs, so originally squid is at fault
logging theses). You should be careful with what you do, why, who knows
about it and who can read the reports.

Michael Weller:,,
or even If you encounter an eowmob account on
any machine in the net, it's very likely it's me.
Received on Wed Jul 04 2001 - 06:08:53 MDT

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