Re: [squid-users] urlParse: Illegal character

From: Brian <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 02:36:26 -0400

It looks like a client-side issue (specifically, it looks like a string
copying bug). Check the access log and see if those errors are limited to
a few specific clients. I'm not sure what the access log entry will look
like, but you have the times for several, so you can look them up that way.

        -- Brian

On Monday 09 July 2001 02:25 am, Rash Dar wrote:
> I found a hundred of these messages at my cache log
> file:-
> 2001/07/07 11:50:18| urlParse: Illegal character in
> hostname ''
> Did this mean that this user writes wrong URL or
> something causing these too much request...!
> How can I stop these request?
> Rash D.
Received on Mon Jul 09 2001 - 00:36:15 MDT

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