Hi Joe,
ensure that the path to libpng.so.3 are in /etc/ld.so.conf ..
if libpng.so.3 are in /usr/lib/libpng.so.3 ensure there's this line:
in /etc/ld.so.conf
if you add lines to that file, run ldconfig afterwards..
I have a question for you :-)
have you set squid to emulate httpd logfiles?
if not, what does your webalizer.conf look like?
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--------------------[ I believe that... ]-----------------------
It is a myth that people resist change. People resist what other
people make them do, not what they themselves choose to do...
That's why companies that innovate successfully year after year
seek their peopl's ideas, let them initiate new projects and
encourage more experiments. -- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Is anyone running Webalizer, I'm trying to but I keep getting the error
�ld.so.1:webalizer: fatal: libpng.so.3: open failed: No such file or
�If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate the feedback. Libpng.so.3 does
Joe Barty
Network Engineer
Digital Controls Corp
305 Pioneer Blvd
Springboro, Oh 45066
Base: (937) 656-3708
Work: (513) 746-8118
Mobile: (937) 272-2421
Received on Wed Nov 07 2001 - 09:57:53 MST
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