[squid-users] Vedr.: Re: [squid-users] FD 8192 , still ran out of file descriptors ?????

From: Klavs Klavsen <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 15:18:04 +0100

remember, that your kernel has more files open, than squid does.. so if you
want squid to be able to open a lot of files..
your system has to be able to open even more files than squid.. set
/proc/sys/fs/file-max to 32768 f.ex.

that will fix the kernel from running out of file-descriptors..

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                    <bulletman@wo Til: hno@marasystems.com
                    l.net.pk> cc: squid-users@squid-cache.org
                                         Vedr.: Re: [squid-users] FD 8192 , still ran out of file descriptors
                    16-11-2001 ?????


Henrik, attached file (cache.txt) contains all the messages from cache.log
and the only thing that I could find in system messages is :

Nov 15 19:50:18 cache-L2 kernel: VFS: file-max limit 8192 reached



*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

On 11/15/01, at 8:42 PM, Henrik Nordstr�m wrote:

>So what does it say in cache.log when and shortly prior to running out of
>Anything in your system messages file?
>Henrik Nordstr�m
>On Friday 16 November 2001 13.39, nocd wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Cache.log entries for last restart of squid :
>> 2001/11/15 23:13:39| Preparing for shutdown after 2686105 requests
>> 2001/11/15 23:13:39| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
>> 2001/11/15 23:13:39| FD 28 Closing HTTP connection
>> 2001/11/15 23:16:47| Starting Squid Cache version 2.4.STABLE2 for
>> i686-pc-linux-gnu... 2001/11/15 23:16:47| Process ID 830
>> 2001/11/15 23:16:47| With 8192 file descriptors available
>> 2001/11/15 23:16:47| Performing DNS Tests...
>MARA Systems AB
>Giving you basic free Squid support
>Priority support or Squid enhancements available on request
(See attached file: cache.txt)

Received on Fri Nov 16 2001 - 07:18:49 MST

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