Re: [squid-users] accelerator: serving cached objects even if 'httpd_accel_host' is down

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 10:16:28 +0100

If the object expires and cannot be revalidated (no Last-Modified
information) then it won't be revalidated. Squid will then simply try to
fetch a new version, where the fallback on old version mechanism does not

For the Squid mechanism to be effective you need to include a Last-Modified
header in the reply.


On Friday 23 November 2001 13.39, Brendan Keessen wrote:

> I have a test setup (squid in accelerator mode )for my site and I have
> the following refresh_pattern (just for testing):
> refresh_pattern . 5 20% 4320 override-expire override-lastmod
> reload-into-ims ignore-reload
> All the objects are cached for minimal 5 minutes and clients can't force
> a reload.
> As I, for example cache the front page off my site in the Squid
> accelerator and then stop apache. I receive the cached object for some
> time but after 5 minutes I receive the error 'connection failed'. This
> is wat I want Squid to prevent from doing. Is it possible that squid
> doesn't refresh objects (in accelerator mode) when the host for which
> he accelerates is down.
> I hope I made my point clear to you ;-)
> Greetings,
> Brendan

MARA Systems AB
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Received on Sat Nov 24 2001 - 02:27:50 MST

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