AW: [squid-users] delay-pool question

From: Olli Fink <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 16:19:49 +0100

# Note that the figure -1 is used to represent "unlimited".
# And, if delay pool number 2 is a class 3 delay pool as in the above
# example, and you want to limit it to a total of 256kbps (strict
# with each 8-bit network permitted 64kbps (strict limit) and each
# individual host permitted 4800bps with a bucket maximum size of 64kb
# to permit a decent web page to be downloaded at a decent speed
# (if the network is not being limited due to overuse) but slow down
# large downloads more significantly:
#delay_parameters 2 32000/32000 8000/8000 600/64000

This is an excerpt of the squid.conf -> read it carefully -
but there you see the answer for your question !!!

Greetings Olli

  -----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
  Von: Cagri Yucel []
  Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 06. Dezember 2001 16:03
  Betreff: [squid-users] delay-pool question

  Excuse me if this is a silly question, but in no manual I can found the
paramter definition for

  Delay_parameters. I understand 1st and 2nd numbers but,

  Considering the command :

  delay_parameters 2 5000/150000 5000/120000

  What is the function of the before / and after / parts for each parameter

  A linux doc says

#after downloaded files exceed about 150000 bytes,
#they will continue to download at about 5000 bytes/s

  What is the corellation. I’ll be glad if someone can explain the two sides
of the /

  Thanks a lot
Received on Thu Dec 06 2001 - 08:20:32 MST

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