Re: [squid-users] Is there a Cygwin install step-by-step

From: Robert Collins <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 14:16:59 +1100

Short answer, no.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Josh Kuperman" <>

> I just installed or tried to install Squid using the Cygwin. I am
> trying to promote Squid as a cheap (i.e. free) useable with MS Windows
> (i.e. donated Gates Foundation Server) for public libraries since many
> small libraries need the control but really lack the technical skill
> to manage any computers on their own. I will need to get a more
> detailed set of step by step instructions than any I've found. (I also
> need to get it working which I haven't yet.)
> I set up Cygwin and used the Cygwin setup program to download Squid. I
> followed the instructions in INSTALL. They are still very specific to

The instructions in INSTALL are the generic instructions. So some key
1) Squid is in /usr/bin, not /usr/local/bin.
2) You need to read the Cygwin user guide and create a user to take the
place of the nobody account - I usually create a nobody account (same as
on unix). Guest is _not_ an appropriate replacement for nobody.

Other than that, the standard steps - squid -z, and then squid are
correct. To run squid as a service, use cygrunsrv.

Here's my suggestions:

Firstly, trim the squid.conf to get it more readable. Delete every
comment that doesn't reflect your needs. I.e. remove the ACL
instructions for the acl types.

Secondly, start with a very basic file. No cache peers, the default
ACL's + one for your subnet and that's it.

Now, add a new cygwin user - see the cygwin user guide - and map it to
SYSTEM, or create a new NT user, and a matching cygwin user and they
become your squid runas users.

Read the squid FAQ on permissions if you are using CYGWIN=ntsec.

Don't touch the cache_dir lines in the conf file.
Now run squid -z.
If that succeeds, try squid -N -D -d1

and you should see squid file up. Check that there are no errors. If
everything looks good, try browsing through squid.

Now, configure cygrunsrv to run squid as a service as your chosen
usercode. You may need to check permissions here.

When thats working, start adding more cache space to the cache_dir line
(or add more cache dirs - 1 per physical disk). Add ACL's and rules and
have fun.

I'm happy to bounce these instructions back and forwardm, adding detail
etc until they are really effective, and then I'll add this to the
cygwin package.

Received on Fri Dec 14 2001 - 20:16:56 MST

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