Re: [squid-users] R: [squid-users] log analyser

From: Dc Ad <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 02:24:29 -0800 (PST)

Thanks a lot for the mails. Ppl. have suggested
calcamaris and webalizer. Are they easy to install. I
don't have much experience with Linux.
Also, one OT question, can I generate a data file
where the amount of bytes downloaded or uploaded by
each clients [ it maybe using http, ftp, smtp, pop or
anything can be measured? I use ipchains as
transparent proxy.
Thanks a lot again and bye.
--- Boniforti Flavio <> wrote:
> > I have a small network of around 10 PCs. I am
> using
> > squid on my linux box. I would like to know
> whether it
> > is possible for me to know how much of data is
> > downloaded by each client?
> If you want to try a mix of "calamaris and
> webalizer" I can help you... I've
> set it up with the help of a friend of mine...

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Received on Tue Dec 18 2001 - 03:24:31 MST

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