Re: [squid-users] HTTP Accelerator

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 16:55:15 +0530

Hello Preston Garrison,

        Please look in to the squid.conf file for the following directives
for any
changes that may have happened.You can find the squid configuration file in
the default location /usr/local/squid/etc/squid.conf. Verify the below
directives are there in your squid.conf to made squid in accelerator
mode.In the
httpd_accel_host or httpd_accel_port, the IP address specified must be the
of your application server and port should be the your web application
server port, In case that is changed make the changes here and restart the
squid .

The Basic configuration for squid in accelerator mode are as follows,
http_port: where the squid listens for
the incoming request.
httpd_accel_host: backend server(your
server IP address)
httpd_accel_port Port in which the application
server runs
httpd_accel_single_host: If it act as webaccelerator for a
single host set it to on(in your case let it be on)
httpd_accel_uses_host_header Let this one off.

                 http_port 80
                 httpd_accel_port 80
                 httpd_accel_single_host on
                 httpd_accel_uses_host_header off

Note: As both squid and webserver are not in same box ,you can use 80 as
above for both port .

And also verify other rules that you've set in the squid.conf are
some tags are repeated with different values .
1)cache_access_log /dev/null
cache_log /usr/local/squid/logs/cache.log
cache_store_log /dev/null

acl all src
2)http_access allow all and http_access deny all ...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Preston Garrison" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [squid-users] HTTP Accelerator

> Running Freebsd 4.3 w/ two striped 7200rpm ide drives, and 1gig of RAM.
> a dual p3 1000mhz box.
> The squid server is on one box, and the webserver is on another box. I
> actually only am sending the image requests to the squid server, the html
> all taken from the real web server.
> squid.conf:
> cache_store_log none
> cache_access_log /dev/null
> cache_log /dev/null
> client_persistent_connections on
> server_persistent_connections on
> cache_dir ufs /raid/squid/cache 20000 16 128
> http_port 8080
> httpd_accel_host
> httpd_accel_port 80
> acl all src
> http_access allow all
> cache_mem 400 MB
> cache_access_log /dev/null
> cache_log /usr/local/squid/logs/cache.log
> cache_store_log /dev/null
> acl all src
> acl manager proto cache_object
> acl localhost src
> acl SSL_ports port 443 563
> acl Safe_ports port 80 21 443 563 70 210 1025-65535
> acl CONNECT method CONNECT
> http_access allow manager localhost
> http_access deny manager
> http_access deny !Safe_ports
> http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
> http_access deny all
> icp_access allow all
> miss_access allow all
> refresh_pattern ^http://.*\.cnn\.com 360 50% 4320 override-lastmod
> override-expire ignore-reload
> refresh_pattern ^http://news\.bbc\.co\.uk 360 50% 4320 override-lastmod
> override-expire ignore-reload
> refresh_pattern microsoft 1080 150% 10080 override-expire
> override-expire
> refresh_pattern msn\.com 4320 150% 10080 override-expire
> override-expire
> refresh_pattern ^http://.*\.doubleclick\.net 10080 300% 40320
> override-expire override-lastmod override-expire ignore-reload
> refresh_pattern ^http://.*FIDO 360 1000% 480
> refresh_pattern \.phtml$ 240 200% 10080
> refresh_pattern \.avi$ 10080 150% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.mov$ 10080 150% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.wav$ 10080 150% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.mp3$ 10080 150% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.qtm$ 10080 150% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.mid$ 10080 150% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.viv$ 10080 150% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.mpg$ 10080 150% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.jpg$ 10080 150% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.rar$ 10080 150% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.ram$ 10080 150% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.r[0-9][0-0]$ 10080 150% 40320
> refresh_pattern ^http://.*\.gif$ 1440 50% 20160
> refresh_pattern ^http://.*\.asis$ 1440 50% 20160
> refresh_pattern \.gif$ 10080 300% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.txt$ 1440 100% 20160 override-lastmod
> refresh_pattern \.zip$ 2880 200% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.arj$ 2880 200% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.exe$ 2880 200% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.tgz$ 10080 200% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.gz$ 10080 200% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.tgz$ 10080 200% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.tar$ 10080 200% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.Z$ 10080 200% 40320
> refresh_pattern \.pdf$ 720 100% 40320 override-lastmod
> refresh_pattern ^ftp:// 1440 50% 14400 override-lastmod
> refresh_pattern ^gopher:// 1440 50% 14400 override-lastmod
> refresh_pattern . 360 50% 7200 override-lastmod
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brian" <>
> To: "Preston Garrison" <>;
> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 1:39 AM
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] HTTP Accelerator
> > A lot of people use squid for a reverse proxy.
> >
> > It sounds like something is seriously wrong, but more information is
> > needed.
> >
> > What version of squid?
> > What kind of hardware & OS?
> > Are squid and the web server sharing a box, on separate boxes, or in a
> > cluster arrangement?
> >
> > Perhaps you could post your condensed config file using
> > egrep '^[a-z]' squid.conf
> >
> > -- Brian
> >
> > On Wednesday 19 December 2001 03:21 am, Preston Garrison wrote:
> > > Does anyone run squid as an http accelerator. I am using it to
> > > accelerate a website of mine, and something that my webserver takes 5%
> > > of CPU to server the bandwidth, squid is using about 55% CPU. Does
> > > anyone have a sample config , or any info on doing it?
> > >
> > > I think it may be verifying if a file has expired with every hit. How
> > > would i fix it so that doesn't happen?
> >
Received on Wed Dec 19 2001 - 04:19:50 MST

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