Re: [squid-users] how to deny mime types say text and image

From: Gerben Welter <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 11:33:54 +0100

At 12:48 12/20/2001 +0000, usha wrote:
>How to deny mime types say text and image.........?
>I Just tried to deny mime type text and image,so I configured squid
>acl acltext req_mime_type -i ^text/html
>acl acltext1 req_mime_type -i ^text/htm
>acl aclgif req_mime_type -i ^image/gif
>acl aclgif1 req_mime_type -i ^image/jpg
>http_access deny acltext acltext1 aclgif clgif1
>http_access allow all

Don't put all the acl on one line. That means the http request must
fullfill all the above requirements at once. That's impossible. Put each
acl on one separate line like:

http_access deny acltext
http_access deny acltext1
http_access deny aclgif
http_access deny aclgif1

Grtz Gerben.
Received on Thu Dec 20 2001 - 03:33:51 MST

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