Re: [squid-users] problem in installing squidGuard

From: Peter Arnold <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 20:10:15 +1000

> usha wrote:
> While installing squidGuard-1.2.0 in linux-7.1
> ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/squidGuard/squidGuard-1.2.0 -
> -with-db=/usr/local/db-4.0.14/
> I get the following msg ( eventhough I have installed db-4.0.14
> previously) plz give solution for this......
> The Berkley DB library version 3.2.* or newer
> is required, when using 3.* versions of the library
> Get it from
> use --with-db=DIR or --with-db-inc=DIR,
> --with-db-lib=DIR to specify its location
> (default is /usr/local/BerkeleyDB)

Here's my experience installing squidguard 1.2.0 on Solaris 8 10/01 x86,
gcc 2.9.3, db-4.0.14

First I found that the suggested compile options for db listed in
squidguard did not work for me. It compiled fine (however I didn't comb
the logs or compile output) but I had trouble compiling squidguard using
it. A reconfigure and compile of DB using --prefix=xxx and --compat-185
(or whatever it is) worked for me.

For the above error, find the section in the configure file that tests
that the db version is between 2.x and 3.x and comment it out.

I also found that you need to use gmake not the native solaris make.
Start your configure script with "MAKE=gmake".

So far I have managed to compile squidguard and remake all the databases
but as yet I have not run it with squid so I can't vouch for it's
complete success but it's looking good.

Peter Arnold
|  | To err is human |
| Brisbane, Qld, Australia          | To moo bovine.  |
Received on Fri Dec 21 2001 - 03:04:30 MST

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