Re: [squid-users] Using squid with two connections to different WANs

From: Joe Cooper <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 06:21:15 -0600

This isn't necessary (but would work). But it is far easier to
configure PPP to not hijack the default route...configure just the
static route you need to go via PPP. Most Unices have very capable
routing tools.

Torsten.Lange@GECITS-EU.COM wrote:

> hi peter,
> i believe this is a routing problem.
> the problem i see, however, is that using a dial-up ppp-connection
> might modify the routing table, especially the default route everytime
> the dial-up connection status changes.
> perhaps you should approach the problem by having another small
> squid box connection via dial-up. you could use the cache_peer_access
> directives then to delegate the extranet traffic to the second squid.
> torsten
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi Guys,
> I have an interesting one for you. Not sure if its possible or not. I need
> to run squid for a network that needs to access to two different networks
> through the proxy server. One is a extranet of one of our suppliers, and
> the other is a standard internet connection. We currently have access to
> the suppliers network through a standard ppp dialup connection that acts
> just like an internet connection. The server establishes a PPP connection,
> assigns IPs and DNS and then your browse through a standard internet
> connection to a URL using a stardard domain name (that isn't available via
> the internet but is real and registered to the supplier) just as if on a
> small internet. Fairly simple. But I need to be able to tell squid (using
> access lists or something) to use this interface (say ppp0) for all urls
> based on and send everything else via the default route (say
> eth1 - DSL connection). The clients are on 4 different Networks all
> connected via either ISDN or Frame Relay - but this doesn't matter as they
> all have access to the squid proxy anyway. Squid works just fine if
> configured for either connection alone. So I can use squid for allowing
> multiple people to acces just the extranet or just the internet but
> haven't succeeded for both.
> Wierd hey. Any ideas?? Any questions??
> Peter

Joe Cooper <>
Web Caching Appliances and Support
Received on Thu Jan 10 2002 - 05:20:13 MST

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