[squid-users] 15 pam's pid

From: Stefano Borali <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 00:25:39 +0100

Hi people...

anybody can explain me why doing a "ps -ax" I found fiftheen different pid of pam_auth ??
Just rebooting the sistem.. without start any program after the login prompt.

Perhaps my authentication problem coming from this !


 A R C A N E T
 Stefano Borali - CEO
 net: stefano@arcanet.it
 web: http://www.arcanet.it

 Milano - tel.02.61119461
 Modena - tel.0535.611520
Received on Mon Feb 04 2002 - 16:34:08 MST

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