Hello list!
Since four weeks our Squid proxy stops accepting further connections once a
week although Squid is running!
I can't see any hints in various log files (access.log, cache.log,
We use Squid 2.3Stable5 with Slackware 7.0.0 and kernel 2.2.19.
Squid is patched for use with WebWasher EE 3.2.
There were about 700 to 1200 concurrent connections established when squid
stopped accepting any connections.
The problem is: I cannot see if it is a squid or an OS problem!
Today squid stopped accepting connections again and we used the time to
upgrade to WebWasher EE 3.3.
Has anyone a clue?
It is very important for us to find a solution, because our customer isn't
amused about that kind of failures!
Ren� Mewi�en
-- Ren� Mewi�en, D ORS CWS LAN 43 | Tel.: +49 (05251) 8-1 56 27 Siemens Business Services GmbH & Co OHG | Fax: +49 (05251) 8-1 56 02 Heinz-Nixdorf Ring 1 | 33106 Paderborn, Germany | mailto:Rene.Mewissen@siemens.com -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: Biodata SecureDesk OpenPGP CryptoEngine Version 2.1 Comment: Use Encryption for Confidential Communication ! mQCPAznCEq4AAAEEANi7wLwwaF4il7c7218lC4zRBZA+qQ3rEXdX/7pwT3m0QdxR clsLxdHreNDormvpt8fc1tndo0WPdHo7ra88+KZX3B1FiAs59UEdc8UjnHCmlrNG P/sRUUVq4w1neykLxGtlhVejme5jvr4lBB/gnecgwBeYz2pOwt3B8+uD58ehABEB AAG0O01ld2lzc2VuLCBSZW5lOyBaMDAwMkE3WiBTaWVtZW5zIDxyZW5lLm1ld2lz c2VuQHBkYi5zYnMuZGU+iQCVAwUQOeLTyd3B8+uD58ehAQHprwP9ErOPEcQsLij3 1nSTzSJBAB+fP78nPgWVaSLKBcZALv0N3BgQVMNXs/Hk/uH8VbUJtRBdsAxhmv5N wakyIws/ahvXxkvE8giZiLCZUExrWfBcxvKiDlhFermA3XO7jHKGF6QImtRhPVtV U4qdQjMFJoqNj7HUv6uQb+gpKDfYY8k= =nGQA -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Received on Wed Feb 06 2002 - 02:51:46 MST
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