Re: [squid-users] Strange squid slowdown UPDATE

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 04:34:17 +0100

Sounds like you are experiencing a bug, or have seriously
misconfigured Squid.

Normally Squid only keeps a small window of the large reply in
memory. Usually about 16 KB.

Henrik Nordstr�m

On Wednesday 06 February 2002 14.00, Bgs himself wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Jan Rasmussen wrote:
> > I am far from a guru. But as you say yourself you are downloading
> > a 90 Meg file. That translates to a 90 Meg in-transit object,
> > which eats your mem. When you are done downloading this file I
> > reckon your mem usage drops back to normal?
> This is the prob. as I wrote in my first mail, the first downloads
> works. I have about 20-30MB of swap space left. On subsequent
> download the free space goes down to 0 and the system does it
> 'normal' slowdown. The memory is not freed.
> An additional question (I have not check the code):
> How does squid work if I download a file bigger that the whole
> amount of memory available ? For example I download a 700MB iso
> file...
> Bye
> Bgs
> > Jan Rasmussen

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Received on Tue Feb 12 2002 - 21:53:13 MST

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