AW: [squid-users] Log Rotation doesn't work

From: Rost, Werner <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 13:54:03 +0100

Again I think Squid misses the pid-file.

I would try the following steps:

1. kill all Squid processes ( kill -9 <pid> )

2. Start squid again

3. Looking for the pid file. Where does it reside? Why does it not exist?
Missing permission of the directory?

4. If the pid file exists you shuold be able to rotate and shutdown squid.


Werner Rost, KIR
ZF Boge GmbH

Tel.: 0228/3825 420
Fax: 0228/3825 398

-----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Boniforti Flavio []
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 19. Februar 2002 13:35
An: 'Rost, Werner';
Betreff: R: [squid-users] Log Rotation doesn't work

> Squid misses the file ../squid/logs/ which contains
> the PID of the
> squid process.


Now, I got another trouble: when I do "squid -k shutdown" it doesn't tell me
anything, but it doesn't stop!

What can I do for starting/stopping squid in the right manner?

Thanx again!

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