Re: [squid-users] Squid and /etc/rc.d/init.d/squid stop

From: Squid Support (Henrik Nordstrom) <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 00:25:35 +0100

How did you start Squid? As instructed in the INSTALL and QUICKSTART
files, or did you by any chance use the RunCache script?

How did you attempt to stop it?

Was there any messages in cache.log?

Very rarely see questions about people having trouble to stop Squid.
When it happens it is usually because the file has been
lost. Or people who have used the RunCache script..

A "killall -TERM squid" should do it if all else fails if you are on
a Linux system (warning: killall on some other system flavors have a
completely different meaning).

Note: If you are using the RunCache script then you must first stop
the RunCache script, or else it will automatically restart Squid once
Squid has stopped..


On Tuesday 19 February 2002 20:13, Leo wrote:
> Hello, squid-users!
> I use Squid for 12 hours(make, instal, conf and so on).
> I try to stop it and .................................
> ......................................................
> .....................................................
> ....................................................
> and it continue, i look on it now.
> Is it needed to Squid or it my mistake in configuring
> i?
> comp:
> PII 533 256mem
> for squid:
> 50 MB mem and 3000 MB Hard disk
> I planing to off comp whith squid for a night but if it cant stop
> fast.......
> Or usial it work all time?
> Thank you!
> P.S. from beginner user of SQUID

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Received on Tue Feb 19 2002 - 16:27:27 MST

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