Please do not post HTML mail.
You are looking for NTLM authentication, available in the upcoming
Squid-2.5 release. See
Henrik Nordstr�m
Squid Developer
On Wednesday 20 February 2002 12:51, sanalkart wrote:
> Hi<br><br>We are using ms proxy and planning to migrate
> squid.<br>But I want use same authentication as ms proxy.<br>I
> don't want to enter any password in my browser.<br>How can I start?
> Which module should I use?<br><br>Thanks<br><br>Turk Nokta Net
> Mesaj a��ld� !<br> <a
> href="
>net">T�klay�n</a>, "Canl�" ve "Heyecanl�" bir
> d�nyaya ad�m at�n!
-- MARA Systems AB, Giving you basic free Squid support Customized solutions, packaged solutions and priority support available on requestReceived on Wed Feb 20 2002 - 05:27:05 MST
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