Re: [squid-users] Parent Proxy Problem

From: Squid Support (Henrik Nordstrom) <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 19:30:46 +0100

Squid always uses it's own IP, but it forwards the clients if in the
X-Forwarded-for HTTP header.

To disable X-Forwarded-for, see squid.conf.


On Friday 22 February 2002 17:51, Quintin Giesbrecht wrote:
> I am running squid on a RH6.2 box, and connecting to an ICP parent
> proxy (N2H2 filter system - also running squid).
> If I run squid on a public, single nic system, and hit it from a
> public workstation, it works fine.
> If I run squid on a box doubling as a gateway, so I have a private
> nic, and a public nic, and I hit it from a private workstation, the
> parent proxy denies me access...
> Looking through the logs, I can see the PRIVATE ip address of my
> workstation being sent to the N2H2 box, which is not in it's list
> of acceptable child proxys, and rejects it.
> If I add to class of ips to N2H2s list of accepted ips, it
> works fine....
> Anyone have any ideas how to force squid to send it's own ip,
> rather than the client ips?
> Thanks

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Received on Fri Feb 22 2002 - 12:55:56 MST

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