Re: [squid-users] mIRC

From: Simon White <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 12:43:42 +0000

There's no point running mIRC through Squid, there is no recurrent data to
cache and it doesn't use the HTTP protocol.

If you're concerned about security, running through a proxy is not going to
help. mIRC is a huge security hole and better left blocked on a security
conscious network, or at least allowed direct from a limited number of

My opinion.


On 27-Feb-02 at 06:35, Joe Cooper's inspired musing was thus :
> Yeah, and? The error tells you what is happening (access control is
> denying the CONNECT request). Do a search for CONNECT in your
> squid.conf file--the reason for this message will probably become apparent.
> (Hint: 6668 is not among SSL_ports...but it could be if you wanted it to
> be.)
> shadha wrote:
> >Hello all,
> >
> >While try use mIRC thro squid , i'll get following error in access log.
> >what they mean?plz help me to overcome this....
> >
> >1014812550.304 16 TCP_DENIED/403 981 CONNECT
> > - NONE/- -
> >1014812562.305 1 TCP_DENIED/403 981 CONNECT
> > - NONE/- -
> >1014812565.359 1 TCP_DENIED/403 981 CONNECT
> > - NONE/- -
> >
> >Thanks and Regards,
> >-shadha
> --
> Joe Cooper <>
> Web Caching Appliances and Support

|-Simon White
|-Internet Services Manager
|-tel +212.3.767.4861
|-fax +212.3.767.4863
|-14, rue 16 novembre
|-Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco
Received on Wed Feb 27 2002 - 05:43:45 MST

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