[squid-users] two siblings

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 19:53:07 +0200 (CEST)

Hi I have two siblings working together

cache_peer cache.2 sibling 8080 3130 no-delay no-digest proxy-only

and second
cache_peer cache.1 sibling 8080 3130 no-delay no-digest proxy-only

both about 50GB of cache size, they serve abount 800KBps but they send a
very small amount of data each to other (about 8KB)
they are connected with 100Mbps link card to card also have very good link

when i have some other caches in relationship (some parents) i have about
of 100KB of brand from parent to my cache.

no firealss, icp queries arrived , icp_hit_stale set to on i dont know
what is it :((
why the transfer between my caches is so small and between another caches
so big, how to check what's wrong ?


Received on Wed Apr 03 2002 - 10:53:11 MST

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