Re: [squid-users] two siblings

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 11:39:23 +0200 (CEST)

I have also a configuration question

i have a network looking like this

        [a big very good cache]

       / \
      /parent \parent
     / \

[my cache.1] <-- siblings --> [my cache.2]

is that correct ? my siblings are proxy-only (50GB each)
should i use a big parent in both my siblings or in only one ?
fetches from parent are duplicated in my siblings

should i use digest in my siblings or not (when icp query arrived to the
sibling the object is refreshed because of icp_hit_stale on, but when i get
the object (known from digest) it isn't refreshed (right ? )

use digest and icp together ?

and is that really correct that the siblings have so small transfer ?
i use proxy-only and icp_hit_stale to prevent of duplicating of cached
objects, each cache have about 5000 hits per minute (average)
and max 8kb ? how to check if this sibling relationship is working
correctly ? and whitch configuration is the best for me ? (some parents and
siblings in the nearby and my two caches)

Thans for help

smiles :)

> On Wednesday 03 April 2002 19:53, wrote:
>> Hi I have two siblings working together
>> both about 50GB of cache size, they serve abount 800KBps but they send
>> a very small amount of data each to other (about 8KB)
>> when i have some other caches in relationship (some parents) i have
>> about of 100KB of brand from parent to my cache.
>> why the transfer between my caches is so small and between another
>> caches so big, how to check what's wrong ?
> There is a big difference between a sibling and a parent relation:
> The sibling relation is only used if the sibling has a more up to date
> copy of the requested document, while the parent relation is used for
> any requests that can be beneficial to the cache of the
> parent, so there should be a big difference in utilization between a
> parent and a sibling relation. I would say the 1/10 ratio is quite
> realistic for a sibling relation compared to a parent relation.
> cachemgr is a good tool to get a better picture of what is going on.
> Statistics based on ICP_HIT/MISS messages in cache.log is also a
> useful tool.
> --
> MARA Systems AB, Giving you basic free Squid support
> Customized solutions, packaged solutions and priority support
> available on request
Received on Thu Apr 04 2002 - 02:39:29 MST

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