Re: [squid-users] Use Cache without Browser Config

From: Simon White <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 10:18:46 +0000

09-Apr-02 at 03:15, AFShin Abdollahi ( wrote :
> Dear Friends,
> Thanks for friends who replied to me.
> I have Installed Squid 2.4 Stable1 on RedHat Linux 7.2, and read FAQ about Transparent Caching.I've done all the advises in the FAQ, But Still getting same result.the result is:
> Squid works fine.But User should enter the address of the Squid System in his browser. I want that every computer that it's Default Gateway is set to Squid System Can Use the Cache and Internet Without entering any information in their browsers.
> I think I have some trouble in configuring the Interceptions.

Well tell us which compile options you used and your iptables rules and we
might be able to help.

[Simon White. vim/mutt. GIMPS:63.52% see]
Note to experienced users: Please don't encourage anti-support behavior.
Don't try to answer questions from users who don't provide the necessary
information. Guessing what they did is an incredible waste of time. (DJB)
Received on Tue Apr 09 2002 - 04:34:57 MDT

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