Re: [squid-users] squid.rpm and configure option

From: Simon White <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 09:45:50 +0000

16-Apr-02 at 19:35, tsibir ( wrote :
> Hi
> I`d like to ask you how can I configure my squid 2.3 Stable 1 to use
> delay pools option if I have only rpm version?
> Is there any way to configure rpm versions?
> Best regards
> Vadik

Might I suggest you try to get hold of a more recent RPM too, since I
think the delay pools implementation has improved in the 2.4 branch. You
might find some packages here:

[Simon White. vim/mutt. GIMPS:76.08% see]
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[Linux user #170823 Home cooked signature rotator.]
Received on Wed Apr 17 2002 - 03:45:52 MDT

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