Re: [squid-users] linux problem:when all is correct(ip,gateway,...)

From: Maarten J H van den Berg <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 19:19:47 +0200

On Friday 26 April 2002 07:32, mokabiri wrote:
> Hi,
> why i can not go to internet on linux whenas all is correct such as
> ip address, gateway to router,... why? why?
> I am confiusing,please help me?
> bestregards,
> M.Kabiri.

Sorry to sound harsh, but... With such a "problem description" NO-one
can help you. You need to give *much* more details about your problem.

Your question above is as helpful as asking
"My car has a full gas-tank and four tires. But it doesn't work. Why ?"

At the very least tell us
a) what you try to accomplish
b) IPnumbers, routes, iptable-settings, etc. etc.
c) relevant excerpts of applicable config files


Maarten J. H. van den Berg   ~~//~~   network administrator
van Boetzelaer van Bemmel  -  Amsterdam  -  The Netherlands  T+31204233288 F+31204233286 G+31651994273
Received on Thu Apr 25 2002 - 11:20:15 MDT

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