Re: [squid-users] Re: bypass authenticate_ip_ttl_is_stric / DoS

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 11:54:57 +0200


i've tried 2.5.PRE6, but had an other problem with authentication.
i got error messages like 'no authentication schemes fully configured'
at squid startup. Surely I missed something.
but i also don't like the idea to use a PRE version! when does a 2.5.STABLE
version come out?


Robert Collins schrieb:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > []
> > i solved my problem, but maybe this is also interesting for
> > others. function aclMatchProxyAuth() in acl.c handles the
> > case when someone tries to authenticate from a second ip
> > address with an already validated username and
> > authenticate_ip_ttl_is_strict is set to on as a simple
> > password mismatch and removes the user from the list of
> > already known and valid users.
> This has been rewritten in squid 2.5/2.6. You might like to see if they
> behave correctly for you.
> Rob

Christian Sch�niger, SYSADM,  FES GmbH - Fahrzeug-Entwicklung Sachsen
phone: +49 375 56 60 254 fax: +49 375 56 60 319
----=====> f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n cmptr prgrmmng. <====----
Received on Mon Apr 29 2002 - 03:54:54 MDT

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