Re: [squid-users] Startup Script for Squid on Redhat 7.2

From: Simon White <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:32:31 +0000

30-Apr-02 at 10:00, warren, anthony ( wrote :
> I have just installed Squid 2.5 Pre6 on Redhat 7.2. I can start squid
> manually and it runs perfectly. What I am trying to do is get squid to start
> as the system boots. I found a site on the web that had the startup script
> which I have modified with my install paths, however when I run
> ./etc/rc.d/init.d/squid start I get the following error and squid does not
> start. (Script shown below)
> [root@proxy init.d]# ./squid start
> Starting squid: init_cache_dir ufs... squid
> ./squid: squid: command not found
> Squid is installed in /usr/local/squid with the executable in the bin dir,
> my cache dir is /usr/local/squid/cache.

Check the squid script in init.d. It would appear that the full path to
the squid executable is not correct, because the script can't find it.

[Simon White. vim/mutt. GIMPS:96.27% see]
Sometimes we sit and read other people's interpretations of our lyrics and
think, 'Hey, that's pretty good.' If we liked it, we would keep our mouths
shut and just accept the credit as if it was what we meant all along.
  -- John Lennon.
Received on Tue Apr 30 2002 - 03:32:36 MDT

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