[squid-users] Adding a HTTP Header TAG

From: Marco Meinardi <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 10:20:51 +0200

Hello all,

I'm using squid as http accelerator for virtual hosts. I have the need
of manipulating the HTTP header according to an ACL match.

My simple architecture looks like this.

 Internet Users
   | |
Server1 Server2

Due to a redirect_program I wrote, my squid is able to balance,
according to the source IP address, on two or more remote webservers.
The website hostname I'm balancing is "mail.mydomain.it".

Using the option "redirect_rewrites_host_header off", the same "Host:"
is passed to Server1 and Server2 when downloading the objects from any
of the two webservers.

In such architecture I would like to add a new header tag when the
request is sent to Server1 and Server2.

The normal request to Server1 and Server2 would be (simplified):
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: mail.mydomain.it
> [...]

While I want to add one more tag like this:
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: mail.mydomain.it
> Front-End-HTTPS: on
> [...]

Matching a preconfigured ACL I would like to apply the new line to the
HTTP header. How can I do that?
Should I patch the Squid code? Anyone can help addressing me to the
right section of that?

Unfortunately I'm being front-end proxy for Microsoft OWA, and OWA will
compose the HTML with a lot of javascript code having absolute URLs
hard-coded... and since my squid also provide SSL encryption, I need the
OWA to compose HTML pages specifing "https://" and not "http://".
Microsoft probably invented a new HTTP header tag and I have the need to
write it down when talking to OWA remote webservers.

Thanks a lot.

Marco Meinardi
                __          ______  ______ ______  ______
               / / /\    / / /   / / /      / /   / /
              / / /\ \  / / / __/ / /--    / /   / /--
             / / /  \ \/ / / \   / /      / /   / /
            /_/ /    \/ /_/   \ /_/___   /_/   /_/___
            via Postiglione, 29 -- 10024 Moncalieri (TO)
            Phone +39 011 6811590 -- Fax +39 011 6811603
Received on Wed Aug 07 2002 - 02:18:12 MDT

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