Re: AW: [squid-users] banner ads (again?)

From: Mike Hoskins <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 00:11:51 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, Rost, Werner wrote:

> Maybe the "hosts solution" will work. but only with Squid 2.5 because in
> earlier versions Squid does not know the hosts file.
> Nevertheless I guess such a big hosts file will slow down the machine.

I don't see how you can parse such a list per user/HTTP request without
some amount of 'slowness'. See my previous post... Even with an URL
regexp file, squid process spends some amount of time in poll state
parsing >5k line text file.

Luckily, we have few users on the LAN, so this is not a significant issue.
How would a large company handle this? I used squid briefly in my ISP
days (30k+ dialup users)... just not this functionality. Mostly
because banner ads weren't such a nuisance then! There has to be ways of
accomplishing this more efficiently. Perhaps patches to squid source that
compile the regexp list into an internal hash? I suppose that would be an
extreme of just opting for something like SquidGuard which do DB lookups.


"Information is not knowledge, Knowledge is not wisdom, Wisdom is not
 truth, Truth is not beauty, Beauty is not Love, Love is not music
 and Music is THE BEST."  --Frank Zappa
Received on Wed Aug 14 2002 - 01:11:59 MDT

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