----- On Wed, 14 Aug 2002 18:38:41 +0200 (CEST) --------------------
Henrik Nordstr�m <hno@marasystems.com> wrote:
> > 1029326544.541 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 1EF6E42E709ADFAF3452770D41DBC13C 304 1029326543 -1 -1 unknown 0/0 GET http://webmail.dad.be/exchange/forms/nextmsg.gif
> Seems all your browsers have the object cached.. try clearing the browser
> cache.
Henrik, I'm sorry if I'm being too peristent, but I don't see how can you say that:
This is a squid log, not a browser log. Squid will log web requests that clients do to him.
1 - If my browsers have the object cached, why should they ask squid for it?
2 - Even if they do ask squid for it, by what I read in the online manual, this entry means that the object was only in memory and was deleted from it. (RELEASE FFFFFFFF)
What good will it do to clear the browser cache?
I really don't see your point in the former reply...
-- ___ _ ______________________________________________ / / (_)__ __ ____ __| Life is too short for problems | / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /| Jo�o Pedro Clemente - jpcl @ rnl.ist.utl.pt | /_____/_/_//_/\___/ /_/\_\| Kernel 2.4.16 (LFS 3.1) on a i686 - up 6:25 |Received on Wed Aug 14 2002 - 12:17:10 MDT
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