Re: [squid-users] installing squidguard on tru64

From: Ravinder Prathavasuria <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 21:14:02 +0100


Hmm.. a rather commom problem me thinks (ive had this one too)... You
need to reload your library cache (like ldconfig -v on linux) or a reboot
if you have to. Make sure that you link the berkeley lib file into your
library path, either /lib, /usr/lib

Also I've found that you'll need to specify the berkeley lib db when you
compile squidguard..

Easy way around, use dansguardian, its much faster and more flexible that
SquidGuard (its quite slow in comparison..)

Good Luck

> Hi there
> slightly away from the normal squid questions but hopefully someone
> might be able to help
> Im trying to compile squidguard 1.2.0 on a Tru64 ver 5.0 server that
> already has squid installed. I installed BerkeleyDB ( by doing a
> configure/make / make install_ into /usr/local/BerkeleyDB. When I run
> configure from squidguard ( with or without the
> --with-db=/usr/local/BerkelyDB (same for lib inc etc))it bombs out at
> the -ldb version check saying that I need to install Berkely DB. Ive
> reinstalled it twice and retried this, any ideas please
> many thanks
> martin
Received on Thu Aug 15 2002 - 14:08:54 MDT

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