Re: [squid-users] Help getting squid configured

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 16:08:15 -0400

Sorry, I guess I need to work on my clarity (but from your solution, it
appears that I did not completely understand the problem).

Anyway, thanks for the config help. It looks to me like that fixed it. I
need to verify it with end users when I can get a hold of him. Don't know
why that was not in there since it looks like something that should have
been in the default installed squid.conf file.


Joe Cooper <>
08/23/2002 03:49 PM

        Subject: Re: [squid-users] Help getting squid configured

Damn. Why didn't you just say so?!

In this case, I don't think you need to bypass Squid for this problem,
you just need to create an ACL and add it to the no_cache list.

Actually, you ought to already have this in your configuration file,
which should prevent this problem:

acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY

You must not have these lines for some reason. Add them, restart Squid,
force a reload of the search results page (<Shift>-Reload or
<Ctrl>-reload for Netscape/Mozilla or IE, respectively). Be happy.

I've just done some playing with the site and it looks fine to me. I
haven't see any repeated results, or similar problems.

Let's take a lesson from this: Don't assume you know the solution before
the problem is well understood. The problem here is not that the site
can't be proxied (which was your assumption, and only has relatively
complex solutions), but that the site shouldn't be cached (which has a
very simple solution that is well known and well understood). By
assuming that the solution was to have Squid 'not bother' some requests,
we've all been chasing our tails...if you had given us the symptoms
instead, someone here would have immediately spotted that your Squid was
caching these entries and the site wasn't specifying a cache-control or
expiry time that would prevent it. wrote:
> Ok, the site is The problem is
> that if you search for a chemical (accessing the site through the proxy
> server) you don't always get the correct chemical. It is very hit and
> miss. However, if you go directly to the site (bypassing the squid
> proxy), the site works 100% of the time. There is no authentication
> required for this site. So I don't think the two problems listed
> While I have a work-around (opening a hole in our firewall for this
> I would really like to understand why it does not work through squid.
> (some chemicals to try are: Registry numbers: 5137-55-3, 61789-87-5,
> 71-43-2
> Name: benzene, propane, methane)

Joe Cooper <>
Web caching appliances and support.
Received on Fri Aug 23 2002 - 14:15:59 MDT

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