Re: [squid-users] passwd file

From: Rude Yak <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 22:16:38 -0700 (PDT)

  If you have a copy of Apache somewhere, you can use the "htpasswd" utility to
create an NCSA-compliant file. In the simplest case, it's just two fields,
username and crypt(3c)-encoded password, separated by a colon. See for details.

--- Raymond Norton <> wrote:
> I am trying to set up authentication on RH 7.1 with squid 2.2
> (authenticate_program path/to/program path/to/passwdfile). The docs seem
> pretty simple on this, but I am not sure what passwd file to use that is
> ncsa complient. I was told /etc/passwd was not. Can someone send me a snip
> on what things would look like in squid.conf for RH 7.1?
> --
> Raymond Norton
> Little Crow Telemedia Network
> 320-234-0270

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Received on Sat Oct 12 2002 - 23:16:39 MDT

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