Re: [squid-users] WCCP Version 2

From: H. D. Lee <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 22:14:42 +0700

On 2002.10.22_09:31:25_+0000, Joseph Solinsky wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a little confused about the earliest version WCCP Version 2.0 is
> supported in for Squid. I was under the impression it was first appearing
> in version 2.5Stable.1 Now I see I have to apply a patch.

I have an article on my site that cover it. Not a complete and thorough
document (yet), but that is a quick guide that works several times for
my environment.

> I just want to know whether I should wait to put it into a critical
> environment for our customer.

I have run WCCPv2 with Cisco 7200 for a couple of months now. Actually I
also have a Cisco cache engine. One router, one Cisco cache engine, one
squid + WCCPv2 support. All works fine until now. The code have not been
completed and may pop some surprise though.

In order for it to be incorporated, I guess one might consider to pay the
squid developers to do the job, because that might not be on the top
priority. Contribute by coding and testing would speed up things too,
as in any opensource softwares.

> Joseph Solinsky
> Cybrix Corporation
> (952) 843 5432 x229

H. D. Lee
Received on Tue Oct 22 2002 - 09:14:57 MDT

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