Re: [squid-users] intercepting access.log

From: Francisco Obispo <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 09:36:41 -0400

Hash: SHA1


This is a perl script that I wrote in order to generate reports of computers
that have been blocked due to my ACLs,

I think you might be able to modify it, and use it for your needs

this script generates the report everytime you "kill -USR1 <pidofprog>"


use IO::Seekable;
use Fcntl;



open(PID,">" . $PID) || die("Unable to write PID FILE: " . $PID);
print PID $$ . "\n";

open(FILE,"<" . $FILE)|| die("Unable to open " . $FILE . " for reading:
" . $! );


~ %IP;
~ while(<FILE>){
    if($_=~ m/$PATTERN/g){
        my @data=split();
# print $_ . "\n";
~ }
~ sleep 1;
~ FILE->clearerr();

sub report{
~ $end=localtime();
~ open(REPORT,">>" . $REPORT) || die("unable to open $REPORT");
~ print REPORT "Reporte de Bloqueo de Peticiones\n";
~ print REPORT "Desde: [" . $start . "] - Hasta: [" . $end . "]\n";
~ print REPORT
~ printf REPORT "%-20s %-15s, %-s","HOST","\# INTENTOS","CONTENIDO" .
~ foreach my $i (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %IP){
    my $name= gethostbyaddr($i,AF_INET) if ($i =~
m/(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/) ;
    $name=$name ? $name:$i;
    $IP{$i}=~ s/\n//g;
    printf REPORT "%-20s %-15s %-s",$name,$COUNT{$i},$IP{$i} . "\n";
~ }
~ print REPORT
~ close(REPORT);
~ %COUNT=();
~ %IP=();
~ $start=$end;
~ $end=0;

Ina Patricia Lopez wrote:

|do a "tail -n access.log" every "t" minutes and pass it to your program
|for parsing then to your sql. "n" and "t" will depend on how fast
|your log grows.
|--- wrote:
|>Hi all,
|>it would like a referring aid /var/log/squid/access.log (suse 8).
|>squid.conf possesss the following parameter: logfile_rotate 0
|>I use transparent proxy, without authentication saw squid. I make
|>authentication through java. At the moment where squid records the
|>event of
|>log in access.log, my application only has condition to know the name
|>of the
|>user who is in the referring IP.
|>My problem: to make with that each line of log either sent to a
|>program, in
|>gcc, that will make a consultation in my bank, postgresql, will get
|>the name
|>of the user of the referring IP and will record in another table of
|>This everything to each writing in access.log. I imagined something
|>as tail,
|>but I did not have success.
|>I only need the mechanism to intercept the writing for access.log and
|>to send
|>as parameter for my gcc program.
|>All the remain already I am working.
|>Somebody could indicate a solution that was possible I to decide this
|>Thanks a lot.
|>Ze luis
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