[squid-users] What the .... ?

From: Andrew Loughnan <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 00:56:44 +1100

I keep getting these errors whenever I try to go anywhere using IE and W2k domain
Using squid 2.5 on RH 7.3 (Just installed and testing at present)

I can wbinfo -t secret is good, wbinfo -a DOMAIN\\username%pass and it returns both plaintext and challenge response as working
I have an upstream proxy server that requires each user to login to but I want to be able to authenticate users locally as well, transparently if possible.

Any help appreciated

[tail /var/log/messages]
Oct 31 00:45:56 linux squid[5352]: Squid Parent: child process 5607 exited due to signal 6
Oct 31 00:45:59 linux squid[5352]: Squid Parent: child process 5711 started
Oct 31 00:46:12 linux squid[5352]: Squid Parent: child process 5711 exited due to signal 6
Oct 31 00:46:15 linux squid[5352]: Squid Parent: child process 5750 started

[tail /var/log/squid/cache.log]
(wb_ntlmauth)[5728](wb_ntlm_auth.c:272): fgets() failed! dying..... errno=0 (Success)
(wb_ntlmauth)[5729](wb_ntlm_auth.c:272): fgets() failed! dying..... errno=0 (Success)
(wb_ntlmauth)[5730](wb_ntlm_auth.c:272): fgets() failed! dying..... errno=0 (Success)
(wb_ntlmauth)[5731](wb_ntlm_auth.c:272): fgets() failed! dying..... errno=0 (Success)
(wb_ntlmauth)[5732](wb_ntlm_auth.c:272): fgets() failed! dying..... errno=0 (Success)
(wb_auth)[5733](wb_basic_auth.c:109): fgets() failed! dying..... errno=0 (Success)
(wb_auth)[5734](wb_basic_auth.c:109): fgets() failed! dying..... errno=0 (Success)
(wb_auth)[5735](wb_basic_auth.c:109): fgets() failed! dying..... errno=0 (Success)
(wb_auth)[5736](wb_basic_auth.c:109): fgets() failed! dying..... errno=0 (Success)
(wb_auth)[5737](wb_basic_auth.c:109): fgets() failed! dying..... errno=0 (Success)

cache_peer proxy.sjcs.melb.catholic.edu.au parent 3128 0 no-query default login=PASS
auth_param ntlm program /usr/lib/squid/wb_ntlmauth
auth_param ntlm children 5
auth_param ntlm max_challenge_reuses 0
auth_param ntlm max_challenge_lifetime 2 minutes

auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/wb_auth
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm SJC Student - You are logging onto a Monitored Internet Service
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
acl students proxy_auth REQUIRED
external_acl_type NT_global_group %LOGIN /usr/lib/squid/wb_group
acl FullAccess external NT_global_group proxyauth
never_direct allow students
never_direct allow all

Andrew Loughnan, MCP
Computer Services Manager
St Joseph's College
135 Aphrasia St
Geelong, Victoria Australia
Ph +61 3 5226-8100
DD +61 3 5226-8165
Fax +61 3 5221-6983
E-mail: <<mailto:andrewl@sjc.vic.edu.au>>
WWW: <<http://www.sjc.vic.edu.au>>
Received on Wed Oct 30 2002 - 06:54:27 MST

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