[squid-users] Re[2]: Disk Cache Growing

From: Raymond <[email protected]>
Date: 01 Nov 2002 08:35:31 -0800

> To start with, show us your "cache_dir" line.

# cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256

Additionally, the following is appended to the squid.conf file (xxx
appears for security reasons). There are no modifications above the
appended code other than commenting out http_access deny all

cache_peer xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx parent 8080 3130 weight=100 no-query
no-digest no-netdb-exchange
cache_peer xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx parent 8080 3130 weight=10 no-query no-digest
acl DST_xxx dstdomain .xxx.xxx
acl DST_172 dstdomain 172
acl DST_10 dstdomain 10
acl SRC_172 src
acl SRC_10 src
# acl SRC_xxx src
always_direct allow localhost
always_direct allow DST_xxx
always_direct allow DST_10
always_direct allow DST_172
never_direct allow all
http_access allow localhost
# http_access allow SRC_xxx
http_access allow SRC_172
http_access allow SRC_10

Received on Fri Nov 01 2002 - 09:30:26 MST

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