Re: [squid-users] Syntax Correct group_ldap_auth ?

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: 07 Nov 2002 15:45:39 +0100

tor 2002-11-07 klockan 14.39 skrev ROUTIER Gilles:

> I would like tu use group_ldap_auth
> I have a group which names INTERNET, and I would want that only the persons of this
> group can reach Proxy.
> But, I do not know or to specify the name of the group ?
> You can say to me if the syntax is correct?

It depends on what your LDAP group objects looks like.

> external_acl_type ldapou %LOGIN /usr/lib/squid/group_ldap_auth -b
> "ou=public,ou=cicoa,o=cnamts,c=fr" -f "(&(cn=INTERNET)(uid=%v)(ou=%a))" -h
> -p 389

Your filter does not look right. "(&(cn=%v)(uid=%v))" might work, but
more likely the group filter you are after looks something like

What is the output of

  ldapsearch -x -b "ou=public,ou=cicoa,o=cnamts,c=fr" cn=INTERNET

Henrik Nordstr�m
MARA Systems AB, Sweden
Received on Thu Nov 07 2002 - 07:44:55 MST

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