Re: [squid-users] logging of errors by squid-2...?

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 09:03:28 +0100 wrote:

> My question is: how can i extract errors from the squid logs
> under squid-2? Where does squid now log these errors and
> what format does it take? I have rummaged through the
> documentation at and found mention of the
> fact that "ERR_" (etc.) is no longer used, but i cannot find
> any documentation describing how squid-2 now logs these
> errors.

Squid errors are logged as

Hierarchy code: NONE/-

Squid code: TCP_MISS/, NONE/ or TCP_DENIED/

HTTP code: RFC2616 value for the type of error

Note: If the hierarchy code is not NONE/- then the error is from a
upstream server and not this Squid.

It is entirely possible not all of the old ERR_... codes can be uniquely
identified in the current log format.

Received on Thu Nov 21 2002 - 09:20:05 MST

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