Re: [squid-users] Configuring wb_group

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: 20 Nov 2002 19:30:06 +0100

Which Samba version?

Have you made the tests recommended in the Squid FAQ?

* Does "wbinfo -t" and "wbinfo -a domain\\user" work?

* Have you tested wb_auth manually?


ons 2002-11-20 klockan 17.22 skrev Scott Kern:
> Thank you very much for the help.
> I added the following and squid starts without any errors. One problem down, many more to go. :)
> Now authenticating from the browser fails. I'm using Netscape 4.79 on a system running Red Hat 7.3. I'm entering my Windows user name and password or do I need to add the domain or group?
> The access.log entry is:
> 1037809148.392 3 TCP_DENIED/407 1750 GET - NONE/- text/html
> Which looks like the user name isn't being passed on.
Received on Thu Nov 21 2002 - 10:52:08 MST

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